Holiday Giving Update from Buchanan Children’s Charities
In the spirit of the holiday season, Buchanan Children’s Charities funded three charities that are special to Buchanan Street employees and their families. Buchanan donated $2,500 to each of the following organizations.
1. The Blind Children’s Learning Center
Located in Santa Ana, The Blind Children’s Learning Center works with blind children and their families from birth to age 22. They provide a multitude of services such as PT, OT and speech therapy. They work with babies and toddlers in their home environment with their parents to make sure they aren’t missing critical milestones in their development due to loss of vision. For the older children they send teachers to the public schools to help the blind and low vision students cope and succeed as they are mainstreamed.
For more information, visit their website:
2. The Illumination Foundation
In Orange County, over 32,000 children are unstably housed. One in four children live below the poverty line. The mission of The Illumination Foundation is to provide targeted, interdisciplinary services for the most vulnerable homeless clients in order to break the cycle of homelessness. To date, they have provided more than 1,000,000 nights of safe shelter to the most vulnerable homeless families and individuals.
For more information, visit their website:
3. Hope in a Suitcase
With approximately 35,000 youths in foster care in Southern California, Hope in a Suitcase is a volunteer-driven, nonprofit group with a simple mission to provide children and teens in foster care with a suitcase, along with basic essentials and comfort items, to make their transition into the foster care system and their circumstances just a little bit easier and more dignified.
For more information, visit their website: